How to change Kean Email Password 如何修改美肯邮箱密码

陈奕余Created at:Aug 28, 2023 14:59:58Updated at:Jul 04, 2024 09:21:09

Reset my Password/Challenge Question in Okta:


Introduction: Changing your password is an important step in maintaining the security of your account. This guide will walk you through the steps to change your password using Okta Launchpad (MyApps).

更改密码是维护您的帐户安全的重要步骤。本指南将引导您完成使用Okta Launchpad (MyApps)更改密码的步骤。

A.    If you remember the password and just want to change it. 

A.    如果你记得密码

Step 1    步骤 1

To start, navigate to the page:


At the Sign In screen, enter your Kean username & password provided without the “” like below and click Sign In.


Graphical user interface, websiteDescription automatically generated

After signing in to the MyApps page, click on the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings” from the list of options.



Step 2    步骤2

    1. Change your password on the top right box labeled “Change LDAP Password” by entering the password provided to you in the first box, followed by a personal password of your choosing in the two boxes below that.

    1. 在右上方标有“更改LDAP密码”的框中,通过在第一个框中输入原先的密码,然后在下面的两个框中输入新的密码。

    2. Change your Forgotten Password Question in the box below the change password box by clicking the “Edit” button and selecting a new question and answer.

    2. 在更改密码框下方的框中,通过点击“编辑”按钮并选择新的问题和答案来更改“找回密码问题”。


B.    If you forget your Kean email password.

B.    如果你忘记了美肯密码。

Go to SLAC 314 IT department office with your valid identification. (School card, Student ID card, ID card, etc.). Then, WKU IT will help you reset the password.

请携带有效证件(校园卡、学生证、身份证等)到SLAC 314,线下帮你重置美肯密码。

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