Alumnus, please refer to the instructions at the bottom for changing your WKU email password.
A. If you remember the password and just want to change it.
A. 如果记得原密码
Step 1 步骤1
Go to WKU official website "www.wku.edu.cn". Then click “MY WKU”.
进入WKU官网并点击“My WKU”。
Step 2 步骤 2
Input the Account and Password. Then click “Login”.
Step 3 步骤 3
At the right-top of ONCE system, click “Change Password”.
Step 4 步骤 4
Input Old Password & New Password and click “Submit”.
B. If you forget the password and want to change it.
B. 如果忘记了原密码
STEP 1 步骤 1
Go to WKU official website "www.wku.edu.cn". Then click "MY WKU".
进入WKU官网并点击“My WKU”
Step 2 步骤 2
Click "Forgot Password?".
Step 3 步骤 3
A. "By Mobile" way: Input your WKU email account and click "Get Code". Wait a moment, the verification code will be sent to the mobile phone, which is bound to the WKU email account. Then, input the verification code and click "Submit".
A. “手机找回”方式:输入你的温肯邮箱账号,点击获取验证码,输入收到的验证码并点击提交。
B. “By Email” Way: Input your personal (alternative) email account and click "Get Code". Wait a moment, the verification code will be sent to your personal (alternative) email, which is bound to the WKU email account. Then, input the verification code and click "Submit".
B. “邮箱找回”方式:输入你的个人邮箱(备用邮箱),点击获取验证码,输入收到的验证码并点击提交。
Bind phone number:绑定手机:
For students: Please contact your RHD to change the phone number.
For Faculty and Staff: You can change your phone number in the OA system. Or you can contact HR Emerald (yumiaomiao@wku.edu.cn) to add the phone number.
Bind personal(alternative) email:绑定个人(备用)邮箱:
At the top-right corner of the ONCE system, click "Alternative Email", and click "modify" to bind personal (alternative) email.
Step 4 步骤 4
Input the New Password and confirm it.
C. Alumnus
Step 1 步骤 1
Open the website https://sso.wku.edu.cn/ and enter your WKU account password.
Step 2 步骤 2
Click on 'Settings' in the upper right corner, then select 'Change Password'
Step 3 步骤 3
Input Old Password & New Password and click “Submit”.
If you still have any problem, please go to GEH D2 IT-Helpdesk with your device, school card and ID card. We will help you on-site.
Or you can send an email to ithelpdesk@wku.edu.cn with relevant identification.
如果你仍有问题,请携带设备和相关证件到GEH D2 IT-Helpdesk,线下帮你查看。
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